What Do Chipmunk Tracks Look Like?

As with mice, chipmunks have four toes on their front feet and five on their larger hind feet. Unlike mice, as chipmunks move around, they hop and bound, which gives a distinct gallop pattern to their tracks. Due to these movements, the bigger hind tracks in chipmunk prints appear in front of the smaller front prints.

Chipmunks have such small feet that locating their prints can be tough. Looking for chipmunk tracks in snow or the loose soil of gardens and flower beds is the best shot at finding a clear, visible mark.

Issues with Chipmunks

Property owners who find chipmunk prints likely have an infestation on their hands. Chipmunk tracks near pavements and homes suggest that the pests are burrowing underneath. Chipmunk tunnels may crack sidewalks or allow the animals entry to indoors through faults in house foundations. Wildlife experts have the experience to quickly and efficiently remove a chipmunk infestation; Contact Us at Critter Control of Traverse City & Northern Michigan for professional chipmunk removal! 

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