Identifying Crows
- Adaptable and social, crows are a common sight across North America.
- The intelligent birds have been observed making and using tools to catch insects, storing food for future use, and working together to ward off predators and intruders.
- Under their unique system of cooperative breeding, American crows remain with their parents for years to help raise subsequent offspring, resulting in large flocks that can cause problems ranging from crop damage to noise pollution.
- Crows are entirely black in color, including their bills and feet.
- They weigh about a pound as adults, and their feathers display a glossy, slightly iridescent quality.
- A relatively large bird, the American crow has a wingspan of up to 36 inches.
- In addition to their distinctive black plumage and comparatively large size, crows are recognizable due to the unique cawing sounds they produce.
- American crows tend to live in areas with ample open field space for foraging and plenty of nearby trees for roosting.
- As a result, the birds are often found in places such as cemeteries, farmlands, orchards, parks, and woodlots.
- In some areas, they demonstrate migratory tendencies by flying southward at certain times of the year and then returning for breeding season.
- During the winter, crows are known for gathering together in large numbers to roost, often in the same general area year after year.
Crow Problems
Are crows known to enter homes or yards?
- Commonly found in urban and suburban areas, crows make their way into residential neighborhoods on a regular basis.
- They thrive where humans live because their preferred food sources can often be found in gardens, trash cans, public garbage dumps, and, in the case of carrion, along roadsides.
- Crows will also invade yards and parks to roost in trees.
Do crows harm people or property?
- Crow damage primarily occurs in agricultural fields and gardens.
- Their foraging activity harms seedlings and ripening crops.
- Large flocks of crows can also cause damage to trees and other sites used for roosting.
- Furthermore, their loud cawing creates irritating noise pollution, while their droppings produce unwanted odors and can even facilitate the spread of diseases such as histoplasmosis.
Controlling Crow Populations
Control and Safety
- Effective crow control demands quick action, as the pest birds can be difficult to expel once populations are established.
- Crow control often involves the use of netting or frightening devices to keep the birds out of gardens and away from potential roosting sites.
- Pruning trees before the pests come to roost in the winter may also make areas less attractive to crows.
Trapping and Removal
As they congregate and roost in such large numbers, crows frequently prove challenging to remove, especially for untrained persons. In fact, amateur crow removal attempts can actually exacerbate the problem by causing the birds to move to another, possibly worse location. For effective crow removal service, contact the trained professionals at Critter Control. Our professional wildlife removal technicians can handle infestations safely and humanely.
We can help you get rid of crow problems.
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