Identifying House Finches
- Gaining ground in the United States since 1940, house finches are robust birds and populations in North America are estimated between 300 million and one billion individuals.
- The birds are just as likely to be seen at bird feeders in urban areas as they are to be spotted in the wild.
- Humans frequently come into contact with house finches, which are considered destructive pests by farmers and gardeners alike.
Male house finches have brown bodies streaked with white and touches of red on their heads and breasts.
- Females are entirely brown and white, which helps with camouflage.
- The birds grow between 5 and 6 inches (13 and 15 cm) and have wingspans of about 9 inches (23 cm).
- As their diets primarily include seeds, house finch beaks are deep and short.
- House finches inhabit the contiguous United States and Hawaii, parts of southern Canada, and most of Mexico.
- The birds frequent areas rich with seeds and berries, as they keep strictly vegetarian diets.
- Favored nesting locations include woodlands, prairies, cities, farmlands, and even deserts.
House Finch Problems
Are house finches known to enter homes or yards?
- Yards with easy access to seeds and other dietary favorites are frequently used as house finch hangouts.
- While they typically build nests away from people and dangerous predators, house finches are also notorious for nesting in buildings.
- Vents, chimneys, and house eaves are common nest locations.
Do house finches harm people or property?
Most house finch damage is the result of their food-seeking behaviors.
- The birds peck at ripening fruits and eat the seeds of various plants.
- Large flocks can decimate crop yields for farmers.
- They also eat budding blossoms and knock off flowering petals, which frustrates gardeners.
- Vineyard owners also deal with house finches, as they attack grapes.
Controlling House Finch Populations
Control and Safety
- Control methods often require the use of nets to keep house finches from reaching crops or flowers.
- Limiting possible nest sites, such as woodpiles and overgrown shrubs, also helps limit populations.
- House finches are protected by federal law, which means it is illegal to kill them.
Trapping and Removal
Catching and removing house finches is difficult as they are highly adaptable creatures. Contacting Critter Control is the best way to make sure the job is done correctly. Our team of pest management professionals are trained in the behavior of house finches and know how to effectively combat their presence.
We can help you get rid of house finch problems.
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